1. Sign-up schedule

- The team registration is before September 15th, 2024.

- The online application form can be downloaded from the Organizer’s official website and sent to its email address at upon completion.

- All student of a team must be in the same institution.

The list of successfully registered teams and their relevant information shall be made available on event’s website so that all the participating teams can review and report any inaccurate information. Requests for correction, if any, need to be sent to the Organizer at least 01 week prior to the commencement of each round.

- Strictly follow the instructions in the test rooms and the contest’s rules.

2. Format and timeline of the Contest

The contest consists of 02 rounds. All teams will compete with each other in information security knowledge and skills following CTF format.
The teams will join online, self-manage the team and connect video directly to the host during the competition with video conference system

a) The Qualifying Round: Online CTF (Jeopardy) on October 05th, 2024, with its duration of roughly 8 hours.

- The format of this round includes: Pwnable (exploiting software errors, buffer overflow, format string, shellcode...); Reverse engineering (software source code reverse engineering, unpacking the packers, crypters to protect the software); Web (Web application attack techniques); Network/Forensic (Investigate, analyze, trace digital cases); Crypto/ACM (Decode puzzles, attack cryptographic algorithms, use programming/algorithmic skills to solve games, mazes...).

- Regarding the number of competing teams: There is no limit to the number of competing teams from all schools in this round.

b) The Final Round: Onsite CTF with teams from Viet Nam and online CTF with teams from ASEAN Member States. The expected date of this round is on October 19th, 2024 within the duration of 8 hours.

This round divided into 2 groups:

+ Group A: (Attack-Defense) include 20 teams representing 20 schools with the highest results in the Qualifying Round (1 team per school).

+ Group B: (Jeopardy) include teams representing schools, each school has 1 Team with the highest results in the Qualifying Round (but not part of the Group A Team).

  • Each school has no more than 2 Teams participating in the Final Round (no more than 1 Team per group)
  • Teams that do not score points in the Qualifying Round cannot compete in the Final Round.

Detailed description of the contest and the award-winning criteria shall be communicated to every participating team prior to each stage of the contest.

The Organizer shall reserve the right to change the timings of the contest in each round to meet the actual requirements. Any changes as such shall be informed to the participating teams directly and via the official website of the Organizer.

* The timeline may be adjusted as appropriate

* The teams from Vietnam may be join online if they cannot join onsite

3. Awards

a) Number of Prizes:

  • The Final Round: Each group has 01 First Prize, 02 Second Prizes, 03 Third Prizes and 04 Consolation Prizes

The list of teams winning will be show on the website

b) Prizes include:

- Certificates of VNISA.

- Cash or cash equivalents

* The winning teams from ASEAN countries will receive cash prize via PayPal. Please send the team leader’s PayPal account to the Organizer if your team wins.

4. Extra information

a) ASCIS is the biggest annual Capture the Flag (CTF) competition in cyber security for Asean students organized by Vietnam Information Security Association (VNISA) under the sponsorship of the Ministry of Information and Communications and the Ministry of Education and Training of Viet Nam with hundreds of students attended every year.

ASCIS 2024 is the 17th time competition for Vietnamese students and the 6th time for ASEAN students.

b) Contact information of the Organizer:

Vietnam Information Security Association (VNISA)

Contact person: Mr. Hoang Duy, mobile: (84) 981564086, telegram:, email:,

messenger: ascisVNISA