The rules of games for the Final round of ASCIS 2021

Style: KOTH (King Of The Hill) (ft) Attack Defense.

Rules of the Game:

1. Daemon challenges:

ASCIS 2021 Attack Defense Map

The rule is based on sytle KOTH (ft) AD, King of the Hill (ft) Attack Defense. The Daemon challenges will be designed and placed on the UI as the image above, with continents (Asia, Europe, America…) as follows:

  • The game is separated to many rounds, team’s mission is to attack the continents via the vulnerabilities of each challenge and submit the flag for each round and try to protect the own service by uploading the valid patch for each challenge
  • Total time: 8 hours
  • Rounds:
  • First 4 hours: 10 minutes per round => 24 rounds
  • Next 2 hours: 5 minutes per round => 24 rounds
  • Last 2 hours: 3 minutes per round => 40 rounds

=> Total: 88 rounds


  • Team will attack the continent by exploiting the vulnerability of service and successfully submit the flag as soon as possible for each round

After attacking the service successfully, the team will own the continent and have the point of that challenge after a round is passed. The team will own the continent

  • until there’s one another team attacking the continent successfully then owning the service.

For example: at Round 6, Team 9 submits flag successfully at American continent (500 points), then, Team 9 will own the American continent and receive 500 points in round 6 and continue to gain points until another team attacks American continent and submit the flag successfully.

  • Flag will be changed at the beginning of each round.
  • Each service is designed with multiple vulnerabilities


  • After owning one continent successfully, owner can protect the continent via submitting the patch for the service
  • Team owner has only one free patch while owning the continent (the patch can be bought with points from solving Jeopardy challenges)
  • The patch will be automatically checked and return the status True / False
  • True: the patch passes all the checks of the system and will be applied to the service. Organizers will inform teams about the patch via notifications on dashboard and teams can download the successful patches.
  • False: the patch doesn’t pass the check of the system and it won’t be applied to the service.
  • NOTE: A patch is considered as valid if it meets some conditions:

– Preserve functions of each service

– Pass all the automatic/ random checks from the organizer

2. Jeopardy

Jeopardy challenges will be placed with random positions (as the image above). Teams can get Jeopardy points via solving Jeopardy challenges. Jeopardy points can be used to:

  • Buy hints of the services
  • Drop the patch of the service:
    • Team can use Jeopardy points to drop the patch of the continent which is owned by another team.
    •  After the 30s drop the patch, other teams will be announced about the status of the patch.
  • Freeze the continent:
    • Team can use Jeopardy points to freeze the continent which makes the owner of the continent not receive the points in five rounds.
    • In freeze time, any activities about the continent will be denied.
    • For example: at round 9, team 6 freezes the American continent of team 9, then, team 9 won’t receive any points from American continent from round 9 to round 13. At this time, teams can’t attack American continent.
  • Buy the patch

3. Ranking

  • Teams are ranked based on the points attacking the continents
  • The Jeopardy points will be considered as ranking order if 2 teams have equal service points!