Timeline of ASCIS 2020 and Preparations for the Starting round

More than 120 teams from Vietnam and 37 teams from other ASEAN countries applied for ASCIS 2020. We would like to give you all about the detail information related to the contest as follows:

  • Oct 17th, 2020: Starting round lasting for 4 hours
  • Oct 31th, 2020: Qualifying round lasting for 8 hours. All teams from Vietnam will compete with each other in either Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh city while all teams from ASEAN countries will compete via online platform.
  • Nov 28th, 2020: Final round (Attack&Defense) lasting for 8 hours. 10 best teams from Vietnam will be proceeded to compete in this round while in each ASEAN coutry, only the best team will be selected to compete in this round.

To be more specific, at Starting round all teams from the same institute must be gathered in one place so that university staff can help to connect contestant with Organizing committee via webex https://ascis-2020.my.webex.com/ascis-2020.my/j.php?MTID=mca44f4e119fcc7ac8b0470d1f7d6a35d

All participants are prefered to dress formally and be punctual. During the examination, all teams are not allowed to attack the server, leak the information.

In case, all team in the same institute cannot gather, university staff must immediately inform the Organizers. Noticeably, if a team does not get any score, that team definitely cannot compete in next rounds.

Right after the Starting round, university staff have to confirm their attending teams with the Organizers. And if there is any questions or misunderstanding, all participants can chat with the Organizers via messenger https://m.me/ascisVNISA